Business Story: Raschelle Sabourin – Registered Dietitian

by Lindsey McGregor, RD
Rachelle Sabourin, Dietitian

Describe your business and who are your customers?

I run Sabourin Nutrition Consulting, a virtual private practice business based in Manitoba. I help clients that are struggling with eating disorders, disordered eating, binge and emotional eating. I help my clients improve their relationship with food and their body image. I will often incorporate Intuitive Eating principles with clients if it is beneficial.

Explain your experience and how you use it to help clients? 

I used to really struggle with my relationship with food. This experience affected all areas of my life, from my personal relationships, anxiety, schooling. It really affected my ability to focus on other areas of my life as it can become very time consuming. My personal experience helps me connect with clients as I have empathy for what they are going through.

Tell us about yourself. For example, what first got you started working on your business, and what motivates you daily to do what you do?

I fell in love with the Intuitive Eating concepts a few years ago. I wanted to share this knowledge and my passion with more people. Raising my daughter motivates me to continue my work and share information about diet culture. I want the next generation to be more aware of diet culture and the harms.

What is your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment is being a part of my clients journey with improving their relationship with food and their body. It’s very rewarding for me to see my clients succeed.

What is one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I find the biggest challenge is deciding what my next goal should be. I have many ideas for my business, and sometimes I struggle with what I should prioritize for my next goal.

What are the top 3 tips you’d give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Just start! Start with small steps and set small goals. 
  2. Working on your mindset is really important. 
  3. Having someone that supports you is huge.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I’m working on developing a 3 month Intuitive Eating group program. This will be focused towards people that struggle with binge and emotional eating. The program will help clients that are looking for help with making peace with food and their body.

Company Name: Sabourin Nutrition Consulting

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada







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