Business Story: Bailey Franklyn, Registered Dietitian

by Dawid Furman
Bailey Franklyn, Registered Dietitian

What’s your business and who are your customers?

I am a plant-based culinary Dietitian, and I run Harvest Table Nutrition, my practice empowers busy non-cooking people with the confidence to create healthy plant-based meals.

I provide private and group cooking classes (and workshops soon) to show people exactly how to transition to a more plant-rich diet, have conversations about where our food comes from, and show people that they can enjoy plant-based eating without feeling like they’re missing out on their favorite foods.

I also run an online course called Plant-Based Eating Made Easy which is a self-paced online course meant to help people who are interested in adopting a more plant-based diet do so healthfully and sustainably. It provides everything someone will need to know from a nutrition and culinary standpoint (including lots of recipes, and cooking videos to improve your cooking techniques and show you how easy it is to create quick & healthy recipes at home).

What areas do you practice in?

Diabetes and Blood Sugar Concerns, Emotional Eating, Mindful Eating, Weight Loss.

Explain your experience and how you use it to help clients. 

I’ve been plant-based for almost 15 years, so I know the struggles and the rewards that come with that lifestyle. When I started transitioning to plant-based eating, there was very little information about it, and it wasn’t as commonplace as it is now. I had no idea what I was doing, and if I was doing it most healthfully. Now, as a dietitian, I help people adopt and thrive on a plant-based diet. From people interested in adding one meatless meal to their diet per week to seasoned vegans, I meet people where they are and ensure they are eating plant-based in the most healthful way possible.

Tell us about yourself. For example, what first got you started working on your business, and what motivates you each day to do what you do?

I worked as a Dietitian in a medical clinic for 3 years, teaching people about healthy eating I realized talking about nutrition in an office is so much different than showing people how to eat healthier. I then moved into a role as a retail dietitian in a grocery store, which was great because I could meet people where they purchase their food and hopefully make a difference. Even there, I realized so many people don’t know how to cook, don’t have the confidence to cook, or don’t have the time.

I left that job to go to culinary school. From there, I combined my passion for nutrition & cooking and created Harvest Table Nutrition.

My goal is to show people exactly how to prepare food and improve their cooking skills and confidence. Additionally, being plant-based and with more and more people getting interested in that way of eating, I want to show people that plant-based eating can be easy, tasty, and healthy.

What’s your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Making some wonderful in-person connections within my community. I’m an introvert through and through, so putting myself out there and suggesting partnerships or collaborations is terrifying. But it’s been so worth it.

What’s one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Being a solopreneur is lonely and can be quite isolating. It’s hard not to have people to talk to regularly and bounce ideas off. Forcing myself to get out, network, and meet people can be a real challenge sometimes.

What are the top 3 tips you’d give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Start now. You don’t have to have everything in order, and you don’t have to know exactly what you’re doing. But the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll figure stuff out.
  2. Work with a business coach or get involved in a community of other business owners (online or in person). Not only is it a great way to network but talking to other business owners is wonderful because you’ll realize everyone is in the same boat or has the same thoughts or doubts you do.
  3. Take time for yourself. As a business owner, it’s possible to work 24/7, but you’ll lose steam and possibly resent what you’re doing if you don’t stop every once in a while, and take a break.

Company name: Harvest Table Nutrition

Location: Collingwood, Ontario, Canada






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