Mindful Eating
Mindful Eating takes the concept of mindfulness, or “bringing purposeful awareness to your senses without judgement,” to the experience of eating. This approach zeros in on an individual’s sensual awareness of the eating experience, from purchasing and preparing food, setting up the eating environment, to the food itself. It is an invitation to experience eating in a way that may be different from how you normally eat.
What you need to know before choosing a Dietitian:
Some Dietitians may have completed additional training to be certified in a Mindful Eating approach. Take a look at the Dietitians in this section, look at their profiles and websites, review their philosophies, and pick a Dietitian you think will be a good match for your values and beliefs.
What to expect when working with a Dietitian:
In your sessions your Dietitian may cover core tenants of a Mindful Eating practice including non-restrictive eating, non-diet mentality, hunger/fullness/satisfaction, the sensory experience of eating, and more.
See also: Intuitive Eating, Emotional Eating, Weight-Inclusive Approach
Practicing Dietitians: