The Best Intuitive Eating Dietitians in Canada
by Leslie Harnett

Living in the world of diet culture, Intuitive Eating may be liberation from stress and worries. But should we do it? To break the vicious cycle of trying a new fad diet every month, seeing an Intuitive Eating Dietitian will be a good place to start.
The internet can be a double-edged sword—either introducing you to too much different food and diet-oriented topics or potentially misleading you with inaccurate information. In these cases, there may be more harm done.
Hence, to save you from the potential harm, meeting with an Intuitive Eating Dietitian will get you on the right track for health. It is important to make sure that information is coming from regulated health professionals, namely a Dietitian. Our Dietitians are able to provide and apply science-based evidence to everyday eating.
Now it’s time to say goodbye to fearing food, and say hello to enjoying all the food groups (chocolate included) with the help of these Intuitive Eating Dietitians!
Check out this list of the best Intuitive Eating Dietitians in Canada to get connected with the health professionals! Let us help you with your health!
On to the list of The Best Intuitive Eating Dietitians:
Emily Opthof, RD, Dietitian & owner of Say Yes to Nourish Nutrition Counselling

Experienced in the field of counselling and Intuitive Eating, Emily’s practise focuses on female sports nutrition and Intuitive Eating. She offers help to women who want to ditch their diets and join the parade of Intuitive Eating. Emily wants her clients to take control of their diets and cut out the noise.
Also, working as an Intuitive Eating Dietitian, she provides virtual nutrition counselling to help women in ditching diets and disordered eating. For instance, her practice is focused on non-diet nutrition and weight inclusivity. Such practices are effective in increasing confidence in embracing Intuitive Eating.
Moreover, Emily breaks down common trends and myths with a unique blend of humour and compassion. More importantly, she clearly provides nutrition information. Also, she gives a glimpse of building her own balanced and realistic lifestyle with photography. Her photography is worlds apart from the posed and perfection-based ones, it is achievable rather than staged.
To familiarize yourself with Emily and how she empowers women in the world of diets check out her Instagram, learn more about her practice and book with her on the Dietitian Directory.
Olivia Cupido, RD, MHSc, Registered Dietitian, Owner of OG Nutrition

As a Dietitian experienced in Intuitive eating, Olivia sees the struggles that her clients have with food. So, she passionately helps her clients become friends with food.
Olivia wants to help you find your inner Intuitive Eater, to ultimately find satisfaction in foods again. There’s nothing more she wants than to help her clients to enjoy the life they deserved. So, she believes that Intuitive Eating will be the key in healthy food relationships. Moreover, Olivia helps guide her clients through all the available nutrition knowledge and find strategies that work for them.
During her consultations, Olivia learns about her clients deeply to provide realistic strategies on making Intuitive Eating feasible. Ultimately, she wants to guide you to your goals so that you can live your dream life. Each time Olivia encourages her clients to learn why they eat and how they eat intuitively. In the end, she aims at providing ongoing support to her clients to help them on their journey in life.
Check out Olivia’s work on her Instagram page. You can also find Olivia’s listing and book with her on the Dietitian Directory.
Heather Bray, RD, Owner of Behind the Plate
Katie Kroeker, RD, Owner of The Rural Dietitian

Kroeker helps women accept their bodies, feel comfortable and confident around food. As she is a Intuitive Eating Dietitian, she believes that the attainment of goals only begins with listening to your body cues. Hence, she adapts the Intuitive Eating approach in her treatments to build confidence in her clients. Also, she wishes to help her clients with properly feeding their families after acquiring the knowledge. Moreover, she believes in weight-inclusive and compassionate care that gives acceptance and dignity to all on their journey.
The primary focus of Katie is helping women with body image as well as meal planning, as these are crucial in Intuitive Eating and healthy living. Also, her goal as an Intuitive Eating Dietitian is incorporating the idea of body positivity and acceptance in her sessions, she wishes to empower her clients to live healthy lives sustainably.
Check out Katie’s Instagram for some eye-catching posts on all things food and Dietitian facts. To learn even more about her check Katie out on the Dietitian Directory.
Jill Anderson, RD, Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Coach

Anderson has worked as a Dietitian in the management and prevention of chronic diseases including diabetes and heart disease. Currently, Jill works part-time as a Clinical Dietitian in the Long-Term Care sector. Also, she works in a private practice where she provides nutrition coaching for sustainable weight loss.
Moreover, Jill’s approach to weight loss is not only based on science, but is practical, flexible, and gentle. She truly believes that all foods can and should fit into a healthy diet.
In addition, Jill is passionate about teaching her clients how they can achieve their best weight and improve their quality of life. She helps people sort through nutrition information, so they no longer feel overwhelmed about their food choices.
Furthermore, as a working mother with young children, Jill understands that life is busy. Hence, she shows her clients how to achieve a balanced and joyful eating pattern that can fit into a busy lifestyle and be sustained long term.
To see more of Jill’s work check out her website and follow along!
Willow Padbury, RD and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, Dietitian at Food to Fit Nutrition specializing in Emotional Eating and Intuitive Eating

Working as an Intuitive Eating Counsellor, Willow is knowledgeable in helping her clients reaching their health goals. She believes in working WITH our bodies, not against them. So, she works with individuals to help them heal from poor food and body relationships and eating disorders.
Moreover, she helps individuals to attain wellbeing, and develop self-care behaviors through Intuitive Eating. More essentially, Willow is compassionate and understanding in helping her clients. Furthermore, Willow reconnects her clients with their bodies so they can best take care of them.
In other words, no willpower, discipline, or self-control is required!
Discover more about Intuitive Eating by checking out Willow’s Instagram page or find her and book with her on the Dietitian Directory
Sophia Khan, RD and Intuitive Eating Counsellor, Dietitian specializing in Emotional Eating and Intuitive Eating

Specializing in Intuitive Eating as a Dietitian and Counsellor, Sophia helps clients improve their relationship with food, their bodies, and their mental health. She wishes to get her clients on track to a healthy life, and her job is to be there and support them.
Notably, she also sees food as more than just food – it can bring so much joy! As she sees people struggling with their relationship with food, she hopes to introduce her clients to the idea of Intuitive Eating to help them thrive.
Uniquely, her cultural background and experiences allow her to consider all aspects of life. As she recognizes the influence of holistic factors and how that affects our relationship with food, she adopts a pluralistic approach in her treatment. This also allows her to work with the Intuitive Eating framework holistically to help her clients live their best healthy lives!
Check out Sophia’s Facebook page or Instagram page for holistic health advice and recipe tutorials! You can also find Sophia and book with her on the Dietitian Directory.
Vincci Tsui, RD, Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor

Being an Intuitive Eating Dietitian, Vincci helps folks who struggle with eating disorders and chronic dieting to step away from diet culture. She believes that the Intuitive Eating approach is the key to help her clients live their lives to the fullest. By using a framework rooted in Health At Every Size and Intuitive Eating, she offers ongoing support to her clients on their journey of health.
Moreover, Vincci is a former bariatric Dietitian and was one of the first Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellors– a community platform for Dietitians across the country to connect with like-minded practitioners and continue to grow their practice. Vincci is also the author of The Mindful Eating Workbook.
If you’re interested in the work Vincci does with emotional and Intuitive Eating, you can find out more on her Instagram, or Facebook.
Erin Nelson, BSc, RD, Owner, and Intuitive Eating Dietitian at Balance Nutrition Counselling

Erin works one-on-one with clients to aid them in achieving their goals. She wishes to support her clients in healthy eating and making peace with food. To do so, she preaches the importance of Intuitive Eating to her clients.
Moreover, she strongly believes that both the combined contributions of the Dietitian and the clients are crucial for success. Hence, she encourages the contributions of her clients in bringing in their self-knowledge and goals to the sessions. Hence, Erin always strives to meet her clients where they are at so she can walk with them towards their goals.
In addition, her mission is to help provide her clients with the tools needed to listen to their own bodies. Ultimately, she proposes her two-part mission–Helping her clients to heal their relationship with food and empowering the future generation to withstand the diet culture. All these goals are achievable with Intuitive Eating, hence, she works hard to promote Intuitive Eating to her clients.
Ultimately, she hopes to build a world where our young people aren’t vulnerable to diet culture’s messaging of inadequacy. So that everyone can live their lives to the fullest.
Learn more about Erin’s work by visiting her Facebook page and Instagram page or website. Book an appointment with Erin through the Dietitian Directory
Esther Lac, RD, Owner of Trellis Nutrition

Ester is a Dietitian specialized in Intuitive Eating. During her daily work as an acute care clinical Dietitian, she works with many clients on their struggles with trauma to mental health.
Besides her work in the hospital, she is also a Private Practice Dietitian emphasizing Intuitive Eating. Coming from an Asian background, she is able to provide nutrition counselling for behaviour change with a holistic approach. Moreover, she also writes blogs on the topic of culture and healthy eating as a virtual Intuitive Eating Dietitian.
Check out Esther’s delicious healthy recipes on her Instagram page and book with her on the Dietitian Directory !
Andrea Clarke, RD RYT, Dietitian and Owner of Nourished Freedom

Andrea’s approach is rooted in the principles of Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating. Mainly, she helps clients overcome chronic dieting to gain health and control in their lives.
Also, she encourages her clients to reconnect to their hunger and fullness cues. This is important to guide her clients with ease while teaching them the importance of Intuitive Eating. Essentially, it leads her clients to true and holistic self-care. Fundamentally, Andrea uses science to guide her clients back to their wholeness.
Moreover, Andrea infuses teachings from philosophy, mindfulness, and social justice to help clients heal from diet culture. There are all key components in promoting Intuitive Eating. She takes time to make connections with her clients before diving into the search for freedom with food.
Additionally, Andrea believes that with continuous practices, her clients can get through uncomfortable moments easily. And they can also learn Intuitive Eating and say goodbye to diet culture.
Learn more about Andrea’s approach by visiting her Facebook page and Instagram page. Also, find Andrea’s listing and book with her on the Dietitian Directory
Katie Brown, RD, Dietitian, and mom behind Diet-Free Mom, Owner of Diet-Free Mom

Katie helps moms lose the guilt and shame around eating and learn to eat for enjoyment through the Intuitive Eating framework. As a mom of 3, Katie gets how eating can get pushed to the back. Therefore, Katie offers group sessions to bring together moms with similar struggles. Together, she works on the relationship with food and builds positive food relationships with her clients.
Also, Katie helps moms escape diet culture and regain a healthy relationship with food through Intuitive Eating. Passionately, she helps her clients who are struggling with food and their body image for years to build acceptance. She shows her clients a different path now for themselves and their own kids.
Learn more about Katie’s work by visiting her Facebook page, Instagram page or website. Book an appointment with Katie through the Dietitian Directory.
Rachel Tu, BSc, RD, Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Yoga Teacher, Owner of Food Flow Thought

Working as an Intuitive Eating Dietitian, Rachel helps women be more aware of diet culture and reject the negative influences of it. Also, she works closely with her clients on fighting against disordered eating and body image concerns.
Also, Rachel specializes in nutrition, Intuitive Eating, and yoga-based principles to improve concerns around body image and overall wellness. Moreover, Rachel teaches from a trauma-informed approach to support her clients.
Learn more about Rachel’s approach by visiting her Instagram page or her website. Book an appointment with Rachel’s through the Dietitian Directory.
Renee Little, RD, Owner of The Ambitious RD

As an experienced Intuitive Eating Dietitian, Renee is passionate about supporting her clients on where they are at now. She helps folks to heal from chronic dieting and disordered eating. Also, she supports individuals who want to be free of dieting, feel comfortable in their body and eat without feeling guilt or shame.
Moreover, she has training in creating a positive body image. She believes that Intuitive Eating is interrelated to body positivity and empowerment. Hence, she wishes to empower her clients in living their lives to the fullest. Currently, she is taking eating disorders training for Dietitians to drill deep in the field and to further assist her clients on their journey to health.
Learn more about Renee and her work on Facebook, Instagram and also book an appointment with her here on the Dietitian Directory.
British Columbia
Joelle Davidson, RD, owner of Intuition Dietitian Co. and clinical dietitian specializing in intuitive eating as well as medical nutrition therapy

Joelle helps clients find peace with food, and pleasure in eating through the Intuitive Eating approach. Together with her clients, she explores previous ways of eating, food rules, and family food practices. Also with her weight-neutral approach, she focuses on health outcomes and behaviours that are unique to the client in reaching their goals.
Moreover, Joelle starts where the client is currently at with their eating and food relationship – not where she thinks they should be. She grants them with power and self-efficacy to achieve their goals. Ultimately, her practice is to help guide the client along their own journey of Intuitive Eating.
Check out Joelle’s motivational posts about health and wellness on her Facebook page or her Instagram page. You can also find Joelle and book with her on the Dietitian Directory!
Annie Tsang, RD, Founder of The Nutrition Well, specializes in Emotional Eating and Intuitive Eating

Annie is a Dietitian who is experienced in the field with of Intuitive Eating and many more. For instance, she is also specialized in disordered eating, hormonal health, and digestive health. Also, she provides close follow-ups and support for all her clients in helping them thrive.
Moreover, Annie works with her clients and she tailors her plan to ensure it fits her client’s lifestyle and readiness to change. She believes that focusing on her clients individually is crucial in leading them to their journey of health!
You can find Annie on Facebook and Instagram for evidence-based nutrition advice and stay up to date on her blog posts! Also, find her and book with her on the Dietitian Directory
Emily Fentie, BSc, RD, Dietitian at The Nourish Collective

Working as an Intuitive Eating Dietitian in British Columbia, Emily is passionate for helping individuals heal from eating disorders and disordered eating. She wishes to empower her clients to connect with their inner self to create a joyful life.
As she is knowledgeable in Intuitive Eating, she can provide nutrition therapy and education for a wide variety of clients. Ultimately, her goal is to help her clients live joyful and well-nourished lives.
Moreover, Emily has been active in hospital settings in British Columbia and Alberta. Hence, her experiences provide her with unique insight into the full spectrum of patient care.
Join Emily’s anti-diet and weight-inclusive community on Instagram and Facebook. For more information about working with Emily, take a look at the Dietitian Directory
Cristel Moubarak, RD, Owner of NutriFoodie. Specializing in Emotional Eating and Intuitive Eating

Cristel is passionate about helping women give up chronic dieting and weight cycling. She wishes to cultivate a positive relationship with food for her clients through promoting Intuitive Eating. Also, she offers support through virtual groups and one-on-one nutrition counselling to support her clients.
Moreover, she guarantees a non-judgmental and supportive environment for her clients. With her personal experiences with disordered eating, it allows her to relate to her clients better and also helps with her work on coaching.
Essentially, through her Intuitive Eating approach, she wants to empower her clients. Her goal is to make sure no one will need to live in guilt and shame when enjoying food. Ultimately, she hopes there is no more hiding and shame. She helps her clients to say no to the scale. By emphasizing that weight doesn’t determine your worthiness.
Together, she stands with her clients against diet culture. In the end, she hopes her clients can be strong in honouring their bodies.
Learn more about Cristel’s practice and other inspirations by visiting her Facebook page and Instagram page!
Going Beyond with the Dietitian Directory
Nutrition is closely related to our mental and physical health, and a Mental Health Dietitian can take care of both the nourishment of your mind and body by giving you the right advice and bringing you on the right track. Check out more information on Dietitian Directory.
Want to find more information on Dietitians in your area? Check out the Dietitian Directory website.
Craving some more nutrition-related blog posts and to know more about our featured Dietitians? Check out our Instagram for more information!
Related readings: To learn more about the work of Dietitians and Nutritionists, check out the article on Dietitian vs. Nutritionist – What’s the Difference in Canada
About the Author: Authored by Leslie Harnett, a first-year dietetics student at the University of Alberta with plans to become a certified Registered Dietitian. This article is edited by Trinity Tang, a senior dietetics student studying at the New York University.