Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Nutritional needs change with pregnancy and breastfeeding. Moms face significant pressure as the main provider of nourishment. Knowing what to eat for optimal energy and recovery before and after giving birth provides confidence and comfort for the mother and baby.
What you need to know before choosing a Dietitian:
A Dietitian will review your current intake and discuss pregnancy weight gain, foods to avoid, important nutrients and supplements, and nutrition basics for each stage of your pregnancy. They will prepare you for postpartum recovery and breastfeeding nutritional needs for both mom and baby.
What to expect when working with a Dietitian:
A Dietitian will advise you on what to eat to get back to feeling normal and find the energy that will likely be missing when living with a newborn. Many Dietitians also work virtually so you can get help even if getting out the door feels impossible.
Practicing Dietitians: