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Verified registered dietitian. Our team has personally checked the credentials of this dietitian.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, weighed down by depression or struggling to focus because of ADHD? Do you struggle to fall asleep or find yourself waking up in the middle of the night? Maybe you are caught in a binge-restrict cycle, resulting in a strained relationship with food, body image and weight. If so, you are not alone. With the right strategies that account for your unique neurobiology, it’s possible to be in control of your mental health, heal disordered eating and feel like the best version of you. Empowerment starts by working with your mind, not against it.
Hi, I’m Dorothy. I am a Registered Dietitian (RD), Personal Training Specialist (PTS) and owner of The Mental Health RD. My expertise lies the relationship between food and mood. I help you optimize your diet to improve mental health and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. I sub-specialize in providing ADHD-tailored management strategies for individuals struggling with weight loss, meal planning and organization, binging, and emotional eating.
If you struggle with mental health and want to take back control of your life and happiness, let’s work together:
I offer direct billing and am covered by most insurance companies