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2:00pm - 9:00pm PST


2:00pm - 9:00pm PST


2:00pm - 9:00pm PST


7:00am - 12:00pm PST

Caroline Spurr

Verified registered dietitian. Our team has personally checked the credentials of this dietitian.

Vancouver, British Columbia


I have known my future is in food/nutrition since I was a young girl. I always loved to help my mom in the kitchen and experiment with new recipes. I was even known as “the healthy one” by my friends. Growing up, I saw what an unhealthy lifestyle could look like, so I took extra care to avoid falling into the same patterns. As a result, I tried to control my food intake too rigidly, which only led to overeating on “socially acceptable occasions” such as Christmas, Halloween, birthdays or even sleepovers with friends⁠. Food took over my thoughts and in many ways I was fearful of food.


I now understand the danger of polarizing foods as “good” or “bad” and love to help my clients find that same balance. I help busy adults eat without guilt and free up mental space to actually enjoy time with friends or family, without obsessing over food rules. I promote a flexible lifestyle, and help my clients reach this same peace with food while shunning diet culture. My goal is to help you find your personal balance of nutrition and enjoyment, AKA your ‘nutrition sweet spot’, showing them it really is possible to enjoy food and manage weight!  ⁠


I really enjoy helping my clients look inwards at their relationship with food, offering them new perspectives. I like to help clients go back to their roots of intuitive eating, most notable in the life stage of infants and very young children, who haven’t yet been impacted by the external pressures/cues of food choices. Young children have no problem identifying when they’re hungry (sometimes shown by crying or acting fussy) and full (pushing away food). In essence, an intuitive eater can trust their body to tell them when and how much to eat without feeling consumed by cravings or food rules. I help my clients filter through the external noise, and rediscover how to trust their bodies. It’s empowering to get to a place where food doesn’t control you anymore.


I am thrilled to be a part of your journey towards long-term habit change and value your ideas and input. The best habits are ones created in line with your own reality – not just an ‘ideal’ we want to achieve. While it’s fun to work with clients who feel motivated, I enjoy helping clients through the lows of motivation, while reassuring them that it’s totally normal! Plateaus happen, and it’s no reason to quit. Instead, I help guide clients through this phase, while also teaching them how to surrender to being “imperfect”.


I am experienced in weight loss, PCOS, gut health, and repairing relationships with food using the Edge Nutrition Method.


Curious on how I can help you? Consult calls are always free!

Education and Credentials

  • Registered Dietitian
  • BSc Nutrition and Integrated Dietetic Internship

Insurance / Direct Billing

I will provide you with receipts to submit to your health benefits provider for reimbursement. I am registered in both BC and AB - you may be eligible for reimbursement if you live in AB, BC and NT.

Practice Areas

  • Diabetes
  • Digestive Health
  • Emotional Eating
  • Mindful Eating
  • PCOS
  • Weight Loss

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