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10:00am - 1:00pm EST

Anika Dhalla

Verified registered dietitian. Our team has personally checked the credentials of this dietitian.

Hamilton, Ontario


I help clients find their food freedom, specializing in an approach that is free of diet culture. I have a wealth of knowledge of cultural foods, especially Indian cuisines. As a result I am able to successfully interact with clients of various cultural backgrounds. I work with my clients to develop intuitive eating habits and mindful practices, while addressing health needs. Managing health choices also requires evidence-based information and guidance. I also learn extensively from the clients, their perspective, which allows me to create individual care plans for each client that I meet.I take a weight-inclusive approach when meeting with clients, which means that I don’t focus in on clients’ weight, but dig deeper into health issues. My circular approach holistically examines mindfulness, drive, food choices, and family history, while considering social factors, culture and food security. Weight is a number that is not indicative of an individual’s health. There are various factors that can affect health, like genetics, socioeconomic status, trauma, increasing age and so much more. I will work WITH you to individualize your health needs, while providing guidance through evidence-based information.

Education and Credentials

  • Registered Dietitian

Insurance / Direct Billing

Many different insurance providers are available, just ask!

Practice Areas

  • Diabetes
  • Digestive Health
  • Eating Disorders
  • Emotional Eating
  • Heart Health
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Weight-Inclusive

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