Case Study: Shee Lillejord, RD – Virtual Dietitian

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Shee Lillejord is a Dietitian who does a little bit of everything.  She uses evidence-based nutrition strategies to help people feel better with food. Eating isn’t complicated with Shee. As a busy mom of three, Shee knows how important it is to keep food simple, and practical. She has been a member of the Dietitian Directory since 2019.

Shee describes her experience with Dietitian Directory below, and shares why you should consider joining us inside the only online directory run by and for Registered Dietitians in Canada.

You can discover more information about Online Nutrition & Wellness Team on her website or inside the Dietitian Directory.

Market More Effectively with Dietitian Directory

“Before Dietitian Directory I was marketing with social media, Facebook, and word of mouth. As a private practice Dietitian there weren’t many options.”

“Now with Dietitian Directory, it’s been great about 20% of my clients find me through Dietitian Directory. It streamlines things for the clients and I find people have done their research for what they are looking for in a Dietitian before contacting me.”

Market More Efficiently with Dietitian Directory

“Dietitian Directory saves both me time, AND my clients time. My clients and I don’t need to spend time on discovery calls, and instead we can just get started working together.”

Market More Effortlessly with Dietitian Directory

“Dietitian Directory has been a great way for me to connect with other Dietitians. Networking has never been easier, you don’t need to go to in-person conferences any more to know who the Dietitians are in your area. When I first moved here 10 years ago I knew no nobody, and it would have been really great to have a resource like this to meet more people around me.”

Market More Constantly with Dietitian Directory

“I don’t need to spend the time making social media posts, or blog posts, to bring in clients. I haven’t made a blog post in years, because I don’t need to anymore. I don’t want to have to do that. I would rather spend time one on one connecting with clients, and as an extrovert that’s where I get my energy from”

Market More Affordably with Dietitian Directory

“Over the past year I estimate I have made about $13,000.00 in sales from clients referred to by the Dietitian Directory. It has allowed me to see more clients, because I am not spending so much time marketing, and it allows me to spend more time with my family.”

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Join Online Nutrition & Wellness Team and 107 Registered Dietitians inside the Dietitian Directory for an affordable monthly rate. Click here to learn about the benefits of becoming a member today.