Case Study: Christina Dupont, RD- Welland, Ontario

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 The first year, in my first month of running my private practice and being in the directory, I made back the annual membership cost in the first month. I’m getting a solid 1-2 clients booked from the Dietitian Directory per month.”

Christina Dupont is a passionate dietitian based in the Niagara Region who has focused her career on diabetes, pre-diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, and general health concerns. With a long-standing interest in health and preventive care since her teenage years, Christina’s journey to becoming a dietitian was driven by a personal interest in promoting good health. She became a member of the Dietitian Directory in January 2023, shortly after deciding to open her private practice. Christina shares her experience with the Dietitian Directory and explains why other dietitians should consider joining this valuable online platform.

You can discover more information about Eat Well for Life - Registered Dietitian Services on her website or inside the Dietitian Directory.

Market More Effectively with Dietitian Directory

How has the Dietitian Directory helped you connect with your target audience?
“I found that most clients who connect with me tend to be in the Niagara region, which is better for being able to make very specific recommendations. 95% of my clients are from online directories, and half of them are from the Dietitian Directory.”

Client Interaction and Conversion:
“Of the inquiries I’ve received, I book around 50%.”

Market More Efficiently with Dietitian Directory

How has the Directory streamlined the process of booking consultations and connecting with new clients?
“I don’t need to do much marketing. Messages come directly to my inbox. It’s very streamlined and efficient. I love how I can go to the stats and message page. It’s really organized; you can see their contact information, and it’s all right there. It also goes to my inbox, and I can look at it on my phone.”

How has the Directory changed the way you market your practice?
“I don’t have to do any other marketing. I tried Instagram, and it yielded nothing. The answer is that I don’t need to do anything else—this is all I need.”

Market More Effortlessly with Dietitian Directory

What do you find most valuable about being part of the Dietitian Directory?
“The first year, in my first month of running my private practice and being in the directory, I made back the annual cost in the first month. I’m getting a solid 1-2 clients booked from the Dietitian Directory per month.”

What advice would you give to other dietitians considering joining the Dietitian Directory?
“I would definitely advise other dietitians to join. The more dietitians in this directory, the more representation and voice we have online. I would absolutely recommend it to any new private practice dietitian or private practice dietitian with years of experience.”

Market More Constantly with Dietitian Directory

Experience with Dietitian Directory:
“Prior to January 2023, I decided to open a private practice. I had previously worked in diabetes and didn’t know where to start with marketing. I saw an ad in a Dietitian Support Facebook group and thought to give it a try to get some help with marketing. Now the Dietitian Directory works as a 24/7 marketing system for me.”

Market More Affordably with Dietitian Directory

Return on Investment:
“The first year, in my first month of running my private practice and being in the directory, I made back the annual membership cost in the first month. I’m getting a solid 1-2 clients booked from the Dietitian Directory per month.””

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