Case Study: Sarah McKenna, RD- Calgary, Alberta

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“I have had a lot more business, only 1 client covers the cost of your membership, and I’ve definitely had one client a month and more through the Dietitian Directory.”

Sarah McKenna is a dedicated dietitian who focuses on supporting clients with dietary restrictions due to celiac disease, allergies,  IBS, and other conditions. With a personal experience of being diagnosed with celiac disease at age 25, Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge and empathy to her practice. She has been a member of the Dietitian Directory since April 2023. 

Sarah shares her journey with the Dietitian Directory and explains why other dietitians should consider joining the only online directory run by and for Registered Dietitians Across Canada.

You can discover more information about Sarah Howe McKenna inside the Dietitian Directory.

Market More Effectively with Dietitian Directory

How has the Dietitian Directory helped you connect with your target audience?

“Because it has a comprehensive description section, I find by the time that clients have reached out to me, they have a good idea of what I do, and have compared me to dietitians who offer similar services. I think that when people are able to look at a few dietitians and figure out which one suits them the best is a real advantage, especially because feeling understood by your dietitian is important, and it needs to be a good fit.”

What percentage of inquiries from the Dietitian Directory convert into actual clients, and how does this compare to your other marketing channels?

“I would say it’s been about 80-100 percent.”

How does the Directory help potential clients understand the importance of working with a Registered Dietitian?

“I like how the Dietitian Directory verifies how dietitians are registered. It’s also a good way to see all the different conditions that a dietitian can help you with and you can pick the dietitian who works best for you.”

Market More Efficiently with Dietitian Directory

Have you noticed a difference in the type of clients reaching out to you through the Dietitian Directory compared to other platforms?

“I would say that most of the clients are ready to commit to working with a dietitian, so most of the people who contact me are ready to be clients, whereas I’ve had people reach out to me through Instagram or social media, they are more at the discovery stage, and not ready to commit. I think that if people are looking for a dietitian on the Dietitian Directory, they are ready to commit to working with a dietitian.”

How has the Directory streamlined the process of booking consultations and connecting with new clients?

“Clients connect directly through the website, and all their contact information is contained in the first interaction, and I find that there isn’t much of a back and forth once people have reached out to me.”

In what ways has the Dietitian Directory made your practice more efficient?

“I don’t need to market, the clients just come to me.”

Market More Effortlessly with Dietitian Directory

What do you find most valuable about being part of the Dietitian Directory?

“I like that Lindsey gives us tips on how to market ourselves if we want them. I like that it is so easy and I don’t need to do anything.”

What advice would you give to other dietitians considering joining the Dietitian Directory?

“I would recommend it, especially when you are starting your private practice and you don’t have word-of-mouth referrals. It’s very affordable and it takes very little to no effort at all. It’s marketing made effortless!”

Market More Constantly with Dietitian Directory

How would you describe the community and support provided by the Dietitian Directory?

“It’s great, you can get as much support as you need, from different seminars and workshops, and you can choose to engage in all or none of the opportunities depending on your preferences and time.”

How do you see your practice evolving in the future, and how does the Dietitian Directory fit into your long-term goals?

“I am hoping that in the next five years my practice will grow over time, and that the Dietitian Directory will continue to bring in business, and that some referrals from the Dietitian Directory will share their experience with others and help continue ongoing success by building up my referral network.”

Market More Affordably with Dietitian Directory

How does the cost of membership compare to the benefits you’ve received, both financially and in terms of time saved?

“It saves a huge amount of time because I don’t need to market. I originally wanted to use a private company to market me, and it was $15,000. With Dietitian Directory it brings in regular business, it covers the cost of the membership and I have income on top of that.”

Can you share any specific successes or achievements you’ve experienced as a result of joining the Dietitian Directory?

“I have had a lot more business, only 1 client covers the cost of your membership, and I’ve definitely had one client a month and more through the Dietitian Directory.”

Before joining the Dietitian Directory, what challenges did you face in marketing your services?

“I didn’t get a lot of business, and I wasn’t very interested in working on marketing, especially when balancing work and family. Between all of those, I don’t have a lot of time to learn about the best marketing practices.”


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